Roxio Toast 15 Pro takes all of the power of the popular DVD burning software Toast Titanium, and pumps it full of exclusive extras. The enhanced, more secure DVD authoring and screen capturing, and flexibility of Toast Slice is all here, plus new capabilities to burn Blu-rays and far greater ability to integrate with other software. You've never met a media converter quite as comprehensive as Toast 15 Pro.
- Capture video directly from your screen, portable devices, or the Web
- Author Blu-ray discs
- Use simple video editing w/ Toast Slice to create the perfect project
- Copy & convert your files & media to view on popular devices
- Burn & share directly to social media or to disc w/ built-in tools
- Access over 100 DVD or Blu-ray menu templates
- Integrate w/ Corel Painter Essentials, AfterShot, or FotoMagico to greatly enhance photo management & editing
- Use HDR Express 3 to perform high dynamic range photo editing
- Secure your files on discs or USB drives w/ Roxio Secure Burn